Archive | January, 2015

Sacrifices of Joy

23 Jan

Sacrifice is a denial of nature
Or maybe a stepping into nature
When I sacrifice I rewire my heart
my no’s into yes’
yes’ into no’s

Sacrifice is a splitting open
a revealing of one’s self
one’s being
it is a moment of ultimate vulnerability

“will you accept me, exactly as I am”

Sacrifice covers
blood trades my name for His
His death for our life

Sacrifice is an inequivalent exchange

Sacrifice expresses me in Him
Him in me

Sacrifice is a wedding

When I offer in His courts
sacrifices of joy
I trade my mourning for dancing
I say yes to all He is in me
and my soul begins to sing
the song He sang
in the murky deeps at
the beginning of the beginning

Sacrifice restores the circle
hand in hand
Love is made whole again.

Sacrifice is not denying myself. It is saying yes to You.
It is giving You all of me.

What Is The Holy Spirit?

23 Jan

A post (not by myself) on the Holy Spirit. Haha, very accurate.