Fairy Dust

31 Dec

Walking with God is a dangerous business.
I mean,
Holy Spirit is like TNT packaged into
fairy dust
possibly lighting up every step you take.
And Jesus? He’s Holy Spirit’s favorite conspirator.
He is loving shepherd, leading us by still waters and green pastures
but just when His sheep think it’s a nice blue day
to settle down and chew some dirt
He ambushes us
in glory clouds
and firestorms
Or sometimes
He simply comes
with peace so overwhelming
our carefully patched hearts become undone
and we find ourselves bawling for no apparent reason.
Speaking of waterworks
there’s Daddy God
Giver of big sloppy bear hugs
and manifested in
love so tender
it offends the mind
and calls the heart to come alive
Daddy leads us on adventures along cliff edges
under viridian skies
and lies down beside us to point out the stars at night

Walking with God is a dangerous business.
Don’t believe me?

Pick up some fairy dust.

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